
Visual writer / Photographer

Paul Deruschi

🇬🇧 French visual writer and humanist photographer, he travels the world, immerses himself in its spaces and rubs shoulders with its inhabitants. Capturing singular images, his work relates the fruit of his wanderings and encounters. Surrealist atmospheres and sensitive portraits assert themselves in a striking and refined style.

🇫🇷 Ecrivain visuel et photographe humaniste français, il sillonne le monde, s’imprègne des espaces et y côtoie ses habitants. Captant ainsi des images singulières, son travail relate le fruit de ses errances et de ses rencontres. Atmosphères surréalistes et portraits sensibles s’y affirment dans un style perforant et épuré.

““There is one thing the photo must contain,
the humanity of the moment.””